In the original Greek text, it is pneumatikos, which in this context means having properties and characteristics belonging to the Spirit of God. So if you have the pneumatikos blessing of health, for example, it means that it is of the Spirit of God, and therefore does not depend on your exercising or dieting.


In 1 Corinthians the apostle Paul is attempting to straighten out some people in his newly founded community who, by virtue of their possession of wisdom, were claiming a special spiritual status. Apparently they designated themselves as pneumatikoi in contrast with the psychikoi, or those of lesser religious achievement.

contrasting the present body, which is a psychikos, with the other body, which is a pneumatikos. belonging to the air pnyoo-mat-ik-os' pertaining to the wind or breath; windy, exposed to the wind, blowing pneumarthrogram pneumarthrography pneumarthrosis pneumatic bone pneumatic caisson pneumatic dril pneumatic duct Introduction 2.3 This is a thorough bible study about the meaning of the Greek word πνευματικός, 'pneumatikos' translated 'spiritual' (Strong's 4152). It includes every verse where the word ' pneumatikos ' appears in the New Testament. In 1 Corinthians the apostle Paul is attempting to straighten out some people in his newly founded community who, by virtue of their possession of wisdom, were claiming a special spiritual status.

Pneumatikos meaning

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This is the person who has been “born again” by the Spirit of  Consistent with the word's etymological origin, dia meaning "through" and One explains such spiritual realities, even to a "spiritual man" (pneumatikos, cf. I Cor  (working on compressed air) pneumatique adj adjectif: modifie un nom. The term 'pneumatic' is based on the Greek word 'pneumatikos', meaning 'coming from  Pneumatikos och karisma ofta hittas med karisma är den vanligaste. The term charisma ("spiritual gift"), except for 1 Pet. Begreppet karisma ("andlig gåva"), med  av S Byrskog — which has a hidden meaning, (2) the Bible is a book of instruction and thus rele- Basically, it is hard to claim that pneumatikos must refer to the material. av D Larsson · 2013 — stabil och varaktig psykometrisk egenskap i enligt med Antonovskys definition av exempelvis så som det grekiska ordet pneumatikos används i Romarbrevet  Wiki-innehåll för Mccaughan. McCaughan - McCaughan is a surname of Irish origin. It is an Anglicised form of the Irish language Mac Eacháin, meaning "son of  Meaning essence or substance.

21 King James Version (KJV) Bible verses with Greek word πνευματικός, pneumatikos (Strong's G4152) meaning: non-carnal, i.e., (humanly) ethereal (as opposed to gross), or (daemoniacally) a spirit (concretely), or (divinely) supernatural, regenerate, religious. Usage: spiritual.

The Discovery Bible. Pneumatikos relating to the human spirit, or rational soul, as part of the man which is akin to God and serves as his instrument or belonging to a spirit, or a being higher than man but inferior to God belonging to the Divine Spirit of God the Holy Spirit one who is filled with and governed by Email Required.

With respect unto their especial nature they are called pneumatika, sometimes absolutely: 1 Cor. xii.. Pneumatologia. Whenever, therefore, they are called pneumatika, there charismata, denoting their general nature, is to be supplied; and where they are called charismata only, pneumatika is to be understood, as expressing their especial difference from all others.

Therefore "spiritual gift" is part of its area of meaning.

Thayer's Greek Lexicon. STRONGS NT 4153: you also, like living stones, are being built up as a spiritual (pneumatikos | πνευματικός | nom sg masc) house, to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual (pneumatikas | πνευματικάς | acc pl fem) sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. The term ‘pneumatic’ is based on the Greek word ‘pneumatikos’, meaning ‘coming from the wind.’ Pneumatic is defined as the use of pressurized air to do work.
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pneumatikos (πνευματικός) (Language: Greek) Alternate Spellings: Short Description: In Greek, “spiritual”. Used to refer to a person in whom the element of spirit predominates over the soul and the body (cf. 1 Thess. 5:23; 1 Cor. 2:14-15). Long Description: In Greek, “spiritual”.

5:23; 1 Cor. 2:14-15). Long Description: In Greek, “spiritual”.
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pneumatics in British English. (njʊˈmætɪks ) noun. (functioning as singular) the branch of physics concerned with the mechanical properties of gases, esp air. Also called: aerometry, pneumodynamics. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers.

How can I put and write and define pneumatikos in a sentence and how is the word pneumatikos used in a sentence and examples? 用pneumatikos造句, 用pneumatikos造句, 用pneumatikos造句, pneumatikos meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Pneumatikos Genealogy Info: Pneumatikos Last Name Meaning Pneumatikos at RootsWeb databases: Pneumatikos in RootsWeb surname mailing lists: Pneumatikos genealogy mailing list for correspondence and sharing of information pertaining to family histories of the Pneumatikos surname and its variations. Video shows what pneumatic means. Of, relating to, or resembling air or other gases. Of or relating to pneumatics. Powered by, or filled with compressed air.

can he know them, because they are pneumatikos (spiritually) discerned. Psychology is the combination of two Greek words, meaning 'study of the soul':.

Philo's treatises display the same interchangeability of terms. The word "pneumatikos" is Greek and is referenced as Strong's Concordance Word #4152. To understand what is meant by the Biblical term "Spiritually Discerned" we must first understand what it means in it's original scriptural text.

Of or relating to pneumatics. Powered by, or filled with compressed air. Pneumatikos Genealogy Info: Pneumatikos Last Name Meaning Pneumatikos at RootsWeb databases: Pneumatikos in RootsWeb surname mailing lists: Pneumatikos genealogy mailing list for correspondence and sharing of information pertaining to family histories of the Pneumatikos surname and its variations. pneumatics in British English. (njʊˈmætɪks ) noun. (functioning as singular) the branch of physics concerned with the mechanical properties of gases, esp air. Also called: aerometry, pneumodynamics.